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Proofs of Inspiration 


An acquaintance asks you, “Why do you believe the Bible?”

The Bible claims that it is inspired; that it came from God.  (II Timothy 3:16)  But what proofs exist that show the Bible is indeed the Word of God?
Theme:  Examine a number of evidences proving the Bible is God’s communication to man.


I.   Its Indestructibility   (I Peter 1:23-25

The New Testament is almost 2,000 years old and the Old Testament is 3,000 years old.  Few books survive 100 years, let alone 2,000!  Throughout the ages men have tried to destroy it, burn, tear up, cut in pieces . . .  The Bible has survived every attack.                                 Bernard Romm said, “A thousand times over the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the inscription cut on the tombstone, and committal read.  But somehow the corpse never stays put.”

  • Antiochus Epiphanes, a Syrian ruler, began in 175 B.C. to destroy all copies of the Old Testament.
  • Diocletian, a Roman emperor in the fourth century A.D., burned every copy of the Bible that he could find.  He even claimed that he had exterminated Christian writings from the face of the earth.
  • Voltaire, an eighteenth century French atheist, declared that in 100 years from his time that the only Bibles to be found would be those kept for curiosity sake. 
  • Thomas Paine, an eighteenth century prominent American, made a bold statement that in five years, there would not be a Bible in America.   

“They burned Truth in the market place And thought their work complete; But next day, with a smiling face, They met it on the street. They threw it in a dungeon damp And thought it was no more; But lo, it walked with lighted lamp Among them as before. They scorned and ostracized it. And ordered it to depart; But still it dwelt in all the land And challenged every heart.”  

Truly its indestructibility is a proof of inspiration.

 II.   Its Unity                                                                                

How possible is the following scenario:  Take forty men (few of which know each other) from widely differing backgrounds over a span of 1600 years and have them produce a volume of 66 books that exhibits such unity of thought and purpose?  There are countless instances of agreement (and no contradictions) even on the smallest details between the Bible writers.                                Listen to the following:

“The beginning student may feel that the Bible is a confusing collection of disconnected parts.  Whether, or how, each part is related to other parts is not immediately obvious and many never appreciate how wonderfully the pieces are related.  The careful and persistent student discovers, however, that every section of Scripture contributes meaning to the overall theme.  When we understand that every part has its place and that adds to the message of the whole, we appreciate that it is no longer a ‘puzzle’ but a marvelous portrait of redemption, a mural of salvation through Christ.”   David Pharr

     Yes, the Bible’s unity is further proof that it is the Word of God.

 III.   Its Scientific Accuracy 

·       Medicine                                                                                  

The first five books contain several health laws practiced 3,000 years before “modern” man discovered them.

1.    Quarantine of people with leprosy   (Leviticus 13)

2.    Covering the mouth of the sick person   (Leviticus 13)

3.    Burning contaminated clothing   (Leviticus 13)

4.    Shaving and washing of those who had been sick   (Leviticus 14)

5.    Eating of blood prohibited   (Leviticus 17)

6.    Burying waste   (Deuteronomy 23)  Also many common medical practices of nations around Israel were not employed because they were unsafe or just didn’t work.

·       Oceanography  The Bible tells of the “paths” or currents in the sea.   (Psalms 8:8)  It was at least 3,000 years before man discovered them.

·       Meteorology     Three separate writers in the Old Testament refer to the water cycle.  (Ecclesiastes 1:7, Job 36:27-28, Amos 9:6b)       Their purpose in writing was not to explain this phenomenon; but they used this aspect of nature to teach spiritual principles.  The modern mind didn’t come to understand this cycle until the early seventeenth century. Yes, the Bible’s scientific accuracy confirms it is indeed inspired. 

IV.   Its Historical Accuracy 

  • The Hittites                                                                                    
    The Bible mentions these people dozens of times in the Scripture.  Up until about a century ago, critics of the Bible ridiculed it for mentioning the Hittites because no evidence of their existence had ever been found.  But excavations uncovered records of their existence showing they were a great nation in the ancient world.
  • Tower of Babel                                                                              
    From the ruins of the city of Babylon, records tell of an ancient race of men who attempted to reach heaven by building a great tower.   (
    Genesis 11)
  • The Book of Acts                                                                           
    In the late 1800’s, Sir William Ramsey set out on an archeological expedition in Asia Minor with the intention of disproving the historical accuracy of this book.  The writer, Luke, mentions 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 Mediterranean islands.  He also mentions 95 persons, 62 of which are not named anywhere else in the New Testament.  After years of research and digging, Ramsey did an about face.  Where these references could be checked, the Bible was totally accurate, down to the smallest detail.


The evidence is overwhelming.  I have just mentioned a small percentage of what could be presented.  Certainly this is enough to convince the most hardened skeptic that the Bible is God’s communication to man.  Should we not do as Psalms 119:59 instructs,    “I thought about my ways, And turned my feet to Your testimonies.”

Bobby Stafford

September 30, 2012


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Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey