How older women show their maturity \ Book of Titus \ church
of Christ
church of Christ
Granby, MO
How older women show
their maturity
Paul instructed Titus to
teach sound, healthy doctrine. This healthy teaching strengthens
the family which contrasts with false doctrine that subverts
whole households. (Titus 1:11). Part of this wholesome teaching
was about the importance of older women and their role in the
Lord's church, they're good they could accomplish by being
actively involved in the lord's work. This is stressed in our
Text: Titus 2: 1, 3-5.
1. Teaching is a
must. Just as older men never outgrow the need for
teaching, so also the older women. Need to respect God's word.
Sound teaching produces godly people.
2. Characteristics
of godly, older women
a. Reverent in behavior. Behavior as
becometh holiness. Dignified karma suited to a sacred character.
Her conduct in all aspects of life is virtuous as one described
in proverbs 31: 10-31.
b. Not slanderers, from same greek word we
get devil. Do not defame other people. Guards their tongues
closely. Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from
troubles, proverbs 21: 23.
c. Not given too much wine, not enslaved to
alcohol in any way. Heeds proverbs 20: one, wine is a mocker,
intoxicating drink arouses brawling, or whoever is LED astray by
it is not wise. knows importance of self-control.
3. Older women are
to be active teachers
a. Teach what is good, teach what is right,
orderly, excellent as described in 1 Timothy 4:6. Teach only
what is found in God's word, these tell us how to have proper
attitude and right conduct. Sphere of teaching is somewhat
b. Admonish the younger women, 1 Timothy 2
and 1 Corinthians 14. What is translated admonish in English has
lengthy definition in Greek. Exhort, guide, urge to be of sound
mind, healthy wholesome mind. Concept of training is involved
here. Paul now lists some characteristics a younger woman should
have who is of a sound mind. What older women are to teach.
i. Love
their husbands, show affection for their husbands, should not resent them in
any way but shall confidence in the husband's ability to be leader in home.
ii. Love their children, shows children how much they are wanted and
appreciated. Realizes what is written in psalms 127 verse 53.
iii. Discrete, self controlled, thoughts, words, actions, well
iv. Chaste, pure her speech, dress, and conduct will be above reproach.
v. Homemakers, keepers of the home, watches over home. Taking care of
Home is major responsibility, god-given one. Women's careers should never be
put ahead of taking care of home. Part of her Christian service, one way she
serves God.
vi. Good, possesses attractive quality of character. Not caustic,
abrasive, or cynical.
vii. Obedient to their own husbands, or as Paul puts it in Ephesians
5:22, wives submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Being submissive
doesn't imply wives are inferior to their husbands.
c. Older women are instructed to teach
and train younger women. Can be done in two ways:
Teach by example. Can show the way by their own behavior,
Ezekiel 16: 44. Can be a wonderful role model to younger women
by exhibiting qualities of a godly woman. A life all women
should aspire to.
ii. Teach orally. Can teach classes at church building for
younger women or can go to individual homes and teach.
d. The conduct of women can have two
May have positive influence on husband, or others 1 Peter 3:
1-4. Discuss previous verses in one Peter two.
ii. May result in God's word being blasphemed, Titus 2:
five. Conduct can bring reproach on God's word.
4. Conclusion: older women have a
crucial role to play in work of Lord's church. Need older women
to be God's women.
5. Invitation: a sound church is
comprised of sound Christians, those who follow wholesome
teachings from God's word. What kind of example are we setting
for younger people?
Lesson outline by Bobby Stafford,
Free to use to the
furtherance of the Kingdom and for the Glory of God.
The church of Christ at Granby, Missouri
Located at 516 East Pine St. P.O. Box 664 Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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Matt 11:28-29 "Come unto me, all ye that
labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly
in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
The church of Christ in Granby Missouri 516 East Pine St. P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109