The church of Christ 


At Granby, MO


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Sermon Outlines

The church of the Living God


The church of the Living God

Introduction: Paul had just discussed two special offices or works in the Lord's church- elders and deacons. The conduct of both was essential for the proper functioning of the local church. Now, he turns his attention to the conduct of each church member, the family of God.  The idea of behavior or conduct is that of “walking within a designated area.” Paul first exhorts them to walk so, then says that their behavior is to be consistent with the truth and ends by stressing that the basis for this special conduct is the lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon text: 1 Timothy 3: 14-16


1.  Conduct in the church

·  Paul had left Timothy in Ephesus to exhort the church on how it was to conduct itself. He tells the young preacher that there is a standard of behavior that applies to all who are part of the House of God. (Ephesians 2: 19- 22).  The temple made without hands.

·  Just as children are to be properly behaved in a physical family and being in subjection to their father, those in the family of God are to behave appropriately and be in subjection to the Father. (James 4: 7). Imagine how God feels about our bad behavior!

·  Another term- “Church of the living God.” The church is the “called out”- separate and distinct from the world. Note the words of Ephesians 5: 25-27. The church must conduct itself in a distinct manner. 2 Corinthians 6: 17.

2.  Conduct consistent with the truth

·  Paul tells Timothy that the House of God, the Church of the living God, is to be the pillar and ground of the truth. This describes the pattern or guide for the church's behavior.

·  “Pillar” Timothy is in Ephesus when Paul writes this to him. It is the home of the temple of Artemis or sometimes known as Diana. Timothy saw this temple frequently. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 1 of this temple's features were the 127 pillars, each one a gift from a king. All were made of marble, and some were studded with jewels and overlaid with gold. These columns presented a striking visual image.

·  It is the church's duty to display or proclaim the truth. It must do so just as God gave it. When God's word is changed or modified, it ceases to be the truth. The church's responsibility to herald the good news—the plan of redemption—is an essential part of its behavior.

·  The church must also demonstrate or practice the truth. We must show the world by example how much better it would be if it lived by the truth. Titus puts it this way: We “may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.” We must show people what the truth lived looks like. Hypocrisy may be the greatest hindrance to church growth.

·  “Ground”- support, foundation, bulwark. The Lord's church has been charged with maintaining the truth in its entirety and purity. This includes several obligations

Guarding the truth (1 Timothy 6: 20- 21) means doing what is necessary so others will not misuse or abuse it. This also includes defending the truth (Jude 3: 4) and instilling the truth in each generation. This includes teaching them the distinct nature of the church and the sin of denominationalism. Yes, the church's conduct must be consistent with and guided by the truth.

3.  The basis for the church's conduct

·  The church exists because of Jesus Christ. All we do, our entire behavior as his church, stems from a great mystery that has now been revealed in parentheses (Romans 16: 25- 27). That mystery is centered in Jesus Christ: His incarnation, his resurrection, and his exultation. This is the basis for our conduct in the family of God.

    i.  God was manifested in the flesh (John 1: 14).

    ii.  Justified in the spirit- the spirit vindicated his claim to be a deity and demonstrated his power to perform miracles. The spirit also raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8: 11; Romans 1: 4).

    iii.  Seen by angels- angels announced his birth; Announced his resurrection: announced his second coming.

    iv.  Jesus preached among Gentiles. Part of the mystery was that Jesus died for all. All can come to him (Ephesians 3: 3- 6).

    v.  Believed on in the world, even by the end of the 1st century, many people, especially Gentiles, had come to accept Christ as the son of God.

    vi.  Received up in glory- acts 2: 32-36.


The church is to conduct itself as the House of God, the family of God. One must enter it by being born of water and the spirit. It is a great honor to be god's child.




February 2, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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