Jesus Childhood and the Three R’s
Lev. 12:1-8 All Youth’s must be educated. They learn 3 "R’s" of Education – Not Rappin, Relaxin, Reebok! Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic. There are three other "R’s" that Jesus demonstrated throughout his youth. (Respect, Responsibility, Religion)
A. Timeline of the childhood of Jesus (The Three R’s Start at Home) (Family Ex., Jesus Ex.)Mary and Joseph in Nazareth before birth – Luke 2:1 Jesus Born in Bethlehem - Luke 2:4-6 Laws of Purification 8 Days until Jesus Circumcision – “Then called Jesus” - Luke 2:21 Leviticus 12 (Vit K @ 100%) – 8 Days Went to Jerusalem to the temple to present Him to the Lord – Luke 2:22-24 - Lev. 12:6-8 – 33 Days later
Simeon at the temple – Luke 2:25 – 35 Prophecy! Amazed parents! “He will be a cowboy fan!” Anna at the temple – Luke 2:36-38 Can’t wait to share Jesus. Return to Nazareth – Luke 2:39 = 8 + 31 days = 41 Visit of Magi – Matt. 2:1, 11,12 – House (Note in vs. 13 coming up. “When they departed” - They left pronto!)
Flight to Egypt – Matt 2:13 – 14 - Respect and Responsibility to what God said via Angel. Example to Jesus. Herod kills all male children in Bethlehem from 2 years and under - learned from Magi – Matt 2:16, Jer. 31:15 Prophecy - Matt 2:15, Hosea 11:1 Herod Dies - Matt 2:19
Left Egypt to Israel – Matt 2:20 - Respect and Responsibility to what God said via Angel. Example to Jesus. Returned to Nazareth - Matt 2:23 (Prophecy connection) (Judges 13:5?)
B. The “Boy” JesusFamily visits Jerusalem – Luke 2:41 – Feast of the Passover 10th thru 14th, Feast of Unleavened Bread 14th thru 21st. Exodus chapter 12 – (1st mo. of year.)
Background of Jewish Culture and Important Ages (Torah is first five books of Bible)"Bar Mitzvah" literally means "son of the commandment”. Under Jewish Law, children are not obligated to observe the commandments, although they are encouraged to do so as much as possible to learn the obligations they will have as adults. At the age of 13 (12 for girls), children become obligated to observe the commandments. (5 yrs studied written Torah, 10 yrs. oral Torah – verbal explanation of the laws - Talmud). · A Jewish boy automatically becomes a Bar Mitzvah upon reaching the age of 13 years. No ceremony is needed to confer these rights and obligations.
Note: You don’t have to be 12 or 13 to know about God – “Josiah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord”. (Chronicles 34:1-2) He was a king and doing this at age 8.
Luke 2: 41-52 – Jesus the Boy at TempleV: 49 “And He said to them. ‘Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?’”
V: 51, 52· Continued in Subjection – Was obedient (Respect, Responsibility) · Increased in Wisdom (Intellectually) – study, observation · Increased in Stature (Physically) - Strength to go through what he did. · Increased in Favor with God (Spiritually) – He knew the law (Religion) · Increased in Favor with Men (Socially) – Was not a hermit (Respect & Responsibility) (Jesus at Party) C. Baptism of Jesus –
Jesus was 30 by this time. At 20, Jewish men choose vocations. At 30 they are considered “Men of full vigor”. I view the baptism as the last act of responsibility of his “Youth”, before His temptation and subsequent teaching.Matt. 3:13-17 - Many points from these verses:
1) We see separately: Jesus, The Father, and the Holy Spirit. 2) v: 15 Jesus was baptized “...to fulfill all righteousness.” · This was a baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins for the Jews. (Mark 1:4) · John was preparing the way for Jesus. · We are not baptized in John’s baptism today. · We are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 19:1-5)
Point to be taken out of this is: Jesus was fulfilling the plan of His father for his children, the Jews, which he was a part. This continues to demonstrate Jesus accountability and responsibility toward God. Jesus being the Son could have chose any direction he wished, being divine, but being man he chose to lead by example and obedience.
D. THE THREE "R’S" OF EDUCATION – Young folks need to learn these. Christians need to Demonstrate these attributes in their life. Rappin, Relaxin, & Reeboks, I. Religion – We are Christians! We are called by the name of Christ! A. Importance of our influence on others: 1. Salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). – We Add Flavor! We Preserve! 2. Light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). – Ex. Jesus: He taught. He healed. He fed. He forgave. “You spend time with sinners!” Yes, Thank you. – Religion! Based on Love. The Love of God, love for one another. B. You can take your religious beliefs everywhere you go by: 1. Show love. Ex. Addressing needs we have via phone. Food, clothing, help. Saint Joseph does not have enough room. 2. Public Study Groups – Restaurant. – Not the “church atmosphere” 3. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way to tell others about Christ. Bus, Street, Bowling Alley, Restaurant, Jail, home, phone… everywhere. Work God in! Set up a study! I will conduct it! 4. Pro 8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing crooked or perverse in them. – Language control! 5. Keep self from the appearance of Evil – Sitting in hot tub with half clothed guys and girls – Most people know can understand what Eye Candy is! 6. Refuse to partake in the social drinking situations: Ex. April with work conferences: Will not take part. Proverbs 23:29-35. 7. Be there when brothers and sisters are assembling – Ex. Skipping Party during church assembly times. II. Respect. A. For other People. Respect for their property, for their feelings. · Golden Rule: “…love your neighbor as yourself.” Lev. 19:18, Numerous in N.T.
· Property - Ex. Washing something you borrow, filling up the gas tank, handling book with care.
· Feelings: Guard your tongue. Guard your actions. Do not wrong someone. Eph. 5:33 Are you respecting your future spouse? Ex. Speaker from Men’s Retreat. Didn’t play patty fingers. Didn’t smooch all over a girl who wasn’t his wife. Has no right. Wife saw him, wouldn’t date him. Was dating another looking for her future husband. Resected whoever future husband was going to be enough to not compromise. Does future spouse want others to see you bare chested or in something that is equivelant to what your underwear covers? Your thighs? B. For those who have authority over you (your parents, guards, country leaders, church leaders, City Leaders, etc.). They are over you because (1) God put your parents over you and it was not an easy job, (2) they are agents of the state (Romans 13:1-2), (3) they are aged/older (Leviticus 19:32). III. Responsibility. Realize, as Christ, you are responsible for what you do and say. A. Have the courage to do what is right, no matter what the cost. - Ex. Jesus at Cross. B. Be honest. 1. With God - Galatians 6:7-8. · “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. “
2. With yourself - I Peter 3:16. Train your conscience properly and use it wisely.
3. With other citizens - Don’t cheat or take advantage of them. · We will “Reap what we Sow”. Our dishonesty will catch up to us. Ex. Cannot keep a falsehood from my wife! Children can’t keep secret from parents! Not all time! 4. With those in authority – Teachers, Elders, Policemen, IRS, God. · Proverbs 20:17 -“Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel.” · What happens when IRS finds out you cheated them? · Doctors can only treat you based on what you tell them. · Teachers cannot help if you don’t admit you need help. · God will only help if we allow him to by admitting we need His help.
CONCLUSION: 1. Go ahead, learn your reading, riting, and rithmetic. (Rappin, Relaxin, Reebox) 2. Don’t neglect the other three "R’s" of education – religion, respect, and responsibility. Jesus didn’t! Next Lesson Temptation of Jesus |