Widows are to be Honored
God has always, throughout time, been
concerned about widows. He is called a defender of widows in
Psalms 68: 5. He relieves the fatherless and widows in Psalm
146: 9. One aspect of pure and undefiled religion is to
visit widows in their trouble in James 1:27. One of the
first situations in the early church that the apostles had
to deal with was concerning the neglect of certain
widows-Acts 6. Widows are a special class of church members
listed in 1 Timothy 5:12. Widows are a group that God is
very concerned about.
Sermon text: 1
Timothy 5: 3-16
The honor of widows (verses 3-
8 )
(Verse 3 )
Widows should be revered and valued. They were quite
vulnerable in 1st-century society, especially those without
one to help them. They should not be degraded because of
this. Recall God's warning in Exodus 22:22-24.
(Verse 4 ) a
widow’s relatives have a God-given responsibility to see to
her needs. They should repay her for the things she did for
them. This pleases God!
(Versus 5- 6 )
the widows the church especially needs to be concerned with
are desolate. She has no family and is unable to provide for
herself. They have nowhere to turn except to the church. She
places her trust and hope in God- demonstrated by her
constant supplications and prayers to God. She asks God for
help (1 Peter 5: 6, 7). Then Paul describes one of the
opposite characters, spiritually dead due to selfishness and
sin, self-indulgence. These widows are not to be honored.
(Verse 7) Timothy is to charge the Saints
that what Paul is saying are the requirements of God. If
they practice them, they will be blameless.
(Verse 8) Paul warns those Christians who
will not help their widows. They have “denied the
faith”—part of the faith, the truth, is to provide this
help. We need to remember Galatians 6: 9, 10. “Worse than an
unbeliever”—even many believers take care of their widows.
This is a serious matter!
The churches support of certain
widows (verses 9:10)
Paul now mentions several qualified widows
who could be made apart. Enroll, enlist, take into the
number, and select as a member of a group. This was a term
used for soldiers who, when qualified, were supported by the
nation. This term suggests material support for special work
they could do. They could use their abilities to help others
in need. They were not to spend their time in idleness but
in good work.
There are 8 distinct qualifications: 60 years
of age, frequent divorce, and bigamy were common in the
ancient Pagan world; A record of service; Children were
reared properly; Hospitable; Humble; Relieved other's
burdens; whatever she could do, she did.
Younger widows (verses 11-15)
They are not to be enrolled or materially
supported. Some may grow wanton, feeling sensual desires, or
grow lustful. This would lead to disregarding the duties
they had pledged or promised to perform supported. This
could lead to breaking their covenant with Christ, and
they would be condemned for it! A partial list of some of
the possible sins of idleness (which can lead to many other
things): gossip and busybodies. This is why younger widows
should not be enrolled.
(Verses 14- 15 ) Paul gives the young widows
some practical alternatives: Mary, bear children, and guide
the household. These will keep her from having idle periods.
Sadly, some of them had already made the choice to follow
Satan. See also Titus 2: 4,5.
Verse 16
is a summary statement. If God's principles are honored,
children or grandchildren will not abandon their loved ones.
If all will follow these instructions, the church will be
free to relieve those widows who have no one else to care
for them. This is pure and undefiled religion! When everyone
does their part and follows God's instructions, the Lord's
church works wonderfully. It's a beautiful thing to see. Do
you want to be a part of it?
May 17, 2020
Prepared by
Bobby Stafford
The church
of Christ at Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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