church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible

Lesson 20 – Joash (The Survivor)


Joash – יוֹאָ֣שׁ


I) Meaning of the name

A) Joash – יוֹאָ֣שׁ

1) Jehoash – יְהוֹאָשׁ

(a) God is strong

(b) God gives

(c) Whom God has bestowed

(d) YHWH –  יְהוָֹה (God) ESH – אֵשׂ (fire).

B) Bonus names

1) Athalyah – עֲתַלְיָה

(a) Constrains God

(b) Daughter of Ahab and Jezebel

(c) Athlay (עַתְלַי) and Yah (יָהּ)

2) Jehoshophat – יְהוֹשָׁפָט

(a) The Lord has judged

(b) One of the obedient Kings of Judah

3) Jehoram – יְהוֹרָם

(a) The Lord is exalted

(b) One of the evil Kings of Judah, married to Athalyah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.

4) Ahaziah – אֲחַזְיָה

(a) The Lord has Grasped

5) Jehosheba – יְהוֹשֶׁבַע

(a) God is an oath

6) Jehoiada – יְהוֹיָדָע

(a) The Lord knows

(b) JHWH – יְהוָֹה  YADA – יָדַע

7) Ba’al – בעל

(a) Master, Husband

(b) false god, and/or a pantheon of false gods.





II) Old Testament teachings

A) This lesson starts in Israel not Judah.

1) Athalyah is the daughter of Ahab, of Israel, and Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal, King of Sidon (Tyre).

(a) Athalyah marries Jehoram, King of Judah. When Jehoram is killed their son Ahaziah becomes King.

2) When Ahaziah is killed his mother Athalyah names herself the Queen of Judah.

(a) She sets out to obliterate all of the male descendants of David.

(b) Jehosheba rescued Joash

(c) Joash was hidden in the Temple until after his seventh birthday.

(d) 2 Kings 9:27-29

(e) 2 Kings 11:1-4

(f) All the promises God were bound into this one frail life

3) Joash was raised to the throne at the command of the High Priest

(a) 2 Kings 11:4-12

(i) Note the care that Jehoiada took in setting up this coup.

· First, a select few are let in

· Then, he armed and positioned his followers to protect the young king.

4) The end of Athalyah. And the worship of Baal.

(a) 2 Kings 11:13-21

(b) 2 Kings 11:12

(i) Symbols of authority

· Crown

· Testimony

· Anointed

· Clapped their hands, “long live the king”

B) King Joash (Jehoash) with Jehoiada

1) 2 Kings 12:2

(a) Summation of this part of Joash’s life.

2) Most important accomplishment of Joash’s reign

(a) The repair of the Temple

(b) 2 Chronicles 24:7-14


3) The death of Jehoiada robbed Joash of a wise influence

(a) 2 Chronicles 24:15-16

C) King Joash after Jehoidada.

1) Joash was weak and easily persuaded.

(a) 2 Chronicles 24:17-19

2) Joash emptied the treasuries of the kingdom and the Temple when Jerusalem was threatened

(a) 2 Kings 12:17-18

3) Joash kills Zechariah, the son of Jehoidada.

(a) 2 Chronicles 24:20-22

D) Joash dies

1) Joash died at the hands of his servants and was denied burial in the royal tomb.

(a) 2 Chronicles 24:23-26

2) Joash was succeeded to the throne by his son, Amaziah.

(a) 2 Chronicles 24:27

III) New Testament teachings

A) Christ alludes to Joash’s murder of Zechariah

1) Matthew 23:34

IV) Lesson’s to have learned

A) The Lord keeps his word despite the best attempts of man to counter it.

B) The evil of man can still be used by the Lord for good.

C) Influence matters



June 26, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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