church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible

Lesson #15 – Samuel


Samuel – שְׁמוּאֵל


I) Meaning of the name(s)

A) Samuel – שְׁמוּאֵל

1) Asked for of God, or Appointed by God

2) Other names:

(a) Hannah – חַנָּה

(i) Favored

(ii) Samuel’s mother

(b) Elqanah – אֶלְקָנָה

(i) God has created or taken possession

(ii) Samuel’s father

(c) Eli – עֵלִי

(i) Lofty

(ii) A priest at Shiloh

(d) Hophni – חָפְנִי

(i) Handful

(ii) A son of Eli

(e) Phinehas – פִינְחָס

(i) Mouth of a snake.

· peh [פֶה] (mouth)

· nachash [נָחָשׁ](serpent).)

(ii) Son of Eli

II) Family Life

A) Samuel was the cherished answered prayer.

B) Samuel was dedicated to the temple at an early age.

1) It is never too early to teach our children the Word of God.

III) Old Testament Teachings

A) Samuel was born a Levite, and a Nazarite (1 Samuel 1:1,11).

B) Let’s explore the Nazarite vow for a moment, because it will mark Samuel for the duration of his life. The Nazarite vow:

1) Set the Nazarite apart from others for God

(a) Numbers 6:2


2) He had to avoid wine and strong drinks, as well as any product of the grapevine.

(a) Numbers 6:3-4

3) He could not use a razor.  Hebrew men kept their hair cut relatively short even into the first century (one of many major problems with Leonardo DaVinci’s Jesus).  This long hair and beard would mark the Nazarite from other Jews.

(a) Numbers 6:5

4) He could have no contact with the dead, not even for relatives.

(a) Numbers 6:6

5) He had to remain clean if at all possible.

(a) Numbers 6:7-12

6) These behaviors and appearance would have made Samuel stand out clearly among other Hebrews.

C) Samuel’s first prophecy

1) God calls Samuel at a young age

(a) 1 Samuel 3:4-5

2) Eli realizes that God is speaking to Samuel and instructs him how to respond to God

(a) 1 Samuel 3:9-10

(b) Samuel’s first prophecy is not one he wishes to deliver but he does deliver it fully, and truthfully.

(i) 1 Samuel 3:15-18

3) All of Israel accepts Samuel as a prophet.

(a) 1 Samuel 3:20

D) Samuel, the last Judge, “first” prophet

1) Samuel is the last Judge of Israel.

(a) 1 Samuel 7:15-16

(b) 1 Samuel 8

2) Saul selected and anointed King.

(a) 1 Samuel 9-11

3) Begins the office of “prophet.”

(a) But all the prophets of Scripture will begin with Samuel.

(i) Acts 3:24

(ii) Acts 13:20



(iii) Samuel established a school of “prophets.”

· 1 Samuel 19:20

· 1 Samuel 10:5

· So, who were these prophets and what was their role/duty. 

* Rabbi David Kimchi (Radak - רד"ק)

4) Samuel’s Death

(a) Samuel dies in Samuel 25:1

(b) A dead man speaks

(i) 1 Samuel 28:12-19

(ii) 1 Samuel 8:7

· Choosing anything to be your guide other than the Word of God, is folly leading to death and servitude.

IV) The New Testament

A) A false teaching right off the bat, but a quick one

1) Acts 3:24

(a) Samuel as the “leader” of the prophets.

(i) (καθεξῆς – kathexēs) means subsequentially

B) Great chapter on faith.

1) Hebrews 11:32

V) Things I hope you learned

A) A child raised to serve God can make a difference.

B) It is never too early to begin teaching our children to serve the Lord.

C) As Samuel’s schools influenced generations right up to today, a man of God can have an impact far beyond his own life.

D) Context matters.

E) Choosing anything over God, is folly.

F) A follower of God should keep themselves “clean,” and dedicated to the Lord.

1) 1 Corinthians 15:33

(a) Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good morals.”



May 22, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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