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Church of Christ Sermons and Lessons for 2012


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Bobby Stafford Simeon Simeon November 25, 2012 Sunday AM Sermon





About forty days after Christ’s birth, his parents took him to the temple to be presented to the Lord.  (Luke 2:22-24)  They made a sacrifice according to the Law of Moses.  (Leviticus 12:3-8)  It is there that they met a man named Simeon.

Text:  Luke 2:22-35


I.      The Character of Simeon  (Verses 25-26)

·       Simeon was a good man.  He was “righteous,” following the commandments of the Law and “devout,” devoted to the things of God, pious and holy.

·       Simeon was “looking and waiting.”  He knew the prophecies about the coming of the one who would comfort Israel.       (Isaiah 49:13, 23)  Others had similar expectations.  (Verse 38)

·       Simeon had been granted a great favor by God as revealed by the Spirit.  He would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

II.    The Announcement of Simeon (Verses 27-32)

·       Simeon thanks God for keeping His word.  God is reliable and trustworthy.

·       Simeon holds Jesus in his arms and sees salvation before his eyes.  (Isaiah 52:10, Luke: 3:4-6)

·       Simeon proclaims that Jesus’ salvation would be for all people.  (Psalm 98:2, Luke 24:47)

·       Jesus is a “light.”  (Isaiah 49:6, Acts 13:47)

·       Jesus is the “glory of Israel.”  Isaiah 45:25, Isaiah 46:13)  Jesus brought glory to Israel for the Messiah came through Israel.

III. The Prophecy of Simeon  (Verses 33-35)

·       Jesus’ parents saw the truth in a new way.  They were no doubt surprised that Simeon knew it.

·       This child is set for the fall; a stone of stumbling,               (Isaiah 8:14-15, Romans 9:31-33) and a rise, a precious cornerstone.  (I Peter 2:6-8)  Those who reject Jesus, fall over Him and are broken.  Those who accept Him, build upon Him, and are lifted up and edified.                                                        In Jesus day, the Pharisees and the Sadducees fell while fishermen and tax collectors rose.

·       “A sign opposed” – Jesus would be strongly opposed and spoken against as would His followers.  (John 15:20)

·       “A sword will pierce” – Mary  (John 19:25)

·       “Hearts revealed” – The wickedness of men’s hearts were never more evident than when Jesus was crucified.  (Acts 3:14-15)      At judgment all thoughts will be revealed.  (Matthew 10:26)


Jesus will judge all people on that last Great Day.  (II Corinthians 5:10)               Are you ready for that day?

 Bobby Stafford

November 25, 2012

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Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey