Church of Christ Sermons and Lessons from
Ephesians |
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Bobby Stafford |
The New Man (Studies from Ephesians) |
Ephesians |
April 27, 2014 |
Sunday PM Sermon |
The New Man
In the first half of chapter two, Ephesians, Paul describes
how all people, both Jews and Gentiles, had been dead in
trespasses and sins. But by obedience to the gospel, they
had been made alive to sit with Christ in the heavenly
places. Paul now describes the past condition of the
Gentiles and how both Jew and Gentile now are united in the
one new man.
Ephesians 2:11-22
The Past Condition of the Gentiles
Verse 11 First, note that while there used to be this
distinction, there no longer is that distinction. (Galatians
Verse 12 This applies in these ways: 1. “Without
Christ” The Messiah had come through the Jews, not the
Gentiles. More importantly, before their conversion, these
Ephesian Christians had been without, out of, Christ – lost!
2. “Aliens” were not citizens of the nation of Israel. A few
in times past had been proselytized into it and a few were
“strangers in the gate.” But the majority had not been
privileged to be a part of Israel and enjoy God’s special
care of that people. (Romans
3. “Strangers” These covenants primarily started with
Abraham. The promises associated with them did not directly
affect the Gentiles until the coming of the gospel. 4. “No
hope and without God” The vast majority of the Gentiles had
lived godless, immoral lives. (Romans
Because of how they lived, they had no hope. In the first
century, the Gentiles still had no hope “in the world.” The
only hope was “in Christ.”
Reconciled in the One New Man
Verses 13-14 Having described their previous
condition, Paul now describes their present state. They were
far off from God and Christ, now brought near. They were
lost, now saved. How did this occur? It occurred by the
blood of Christ. (Colossians
Verses 15-16 Christ was their peace. He is our peace.
He made it possible for lost humanity to be reconciled to
God. (II
Corinthians 5:18-20)
People who are deadly enemies [like Jews and Gentiles were]
can be at peace in Christ. (Isaiah
The Jews and Gentiles who obeyed the gospel were united
together in the body of Christ. Christ removed the
Law of Moses which had caused enmity between the Jew and
Gentile. It was nailed to the cross. (Colossians
His death on Calvary made this peace possible. Verses
17-18 Christ personally preached but He also utilized
the apostles and others to preach the gospel of peace. It is
a message of true peace – peace with God, with one another,
and with self. (John
Both Jew and Gentile [everyone] have equal access to the
Father through the Son and by the Holy Spirit.
Descriptions of the One New Man
Verse 19
They had, in times past, been strangers and foreigners, but
no more. Now they were “fellow-citizens,” citizens in the
Lord’s Kingdom. They were “members” of God’s family, the
Lord’s church. (I
Timothy 3:15)
Verse 20 A figure of a building is used to describe
the one new man. As Peter puts it, “you
also as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house.
. .” Verse 21 The spiritual building is the body of
Christ, the church of Christ, His church. We are called a
holy temple. (I
Corinthians 3:16-17)
All Christians become a dwelling place for God as they
follow God’s Word and allow it to dwell in them. (Colossians
the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.”
The Christians in Ephesus had undergone an amazing
transition, from being dead in sins to being a temple where
God dwells. They had gone from enmity with God and each
other, to peace in Christ. All today can have real lasting
peace also. How? (Galatians 3:26-29)
“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have
put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female;
for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are
Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according
to the promise.”
Bobby Stafford
April 27, 2014