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Bobby Stafford |
Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4:7-16) |
Ephesians /
Spiritual Gifts |
June 15, 2014 |
Sunday AM Sermon |
Spiritual Gifts
Paul had just stressed how important unity was to the church
at Ephesus; how they were to obtain it and then maintain it.
In our text, he discusses how spiritual gifts were needed
[before revelation was complete] for the church to be united
in the first century.
Ephesians 4:7-16
The One Who Gave the Gifts
Verse 7 “Grace” – The grace of spiritual [miraculous]
gifts (I
Corinthians 12:8-10)
“Each one of us” – Those selected to receive miraculous
gifts Christ made the determination of which
individuals would have which gifts based on His [Jesus’]
infinite wisdom. He knew what was needed in the first
century to supply the needs of [His] the infant church. He,
alone with the Holy Spirit, apportioned or meted out these
gifts. (I
Corinthians 12:7, 11)
Verse 8 Quote from
Psalm 68:18 “You have ascended on high, You have led
captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, Even
from the rebellious, That the Lord God might dwell there.”
This is a prophecy about Christ. It describes Him ascending
into heaven, having captured captivity. It is a picture of a
victorious king returning home with what He has captured.
Primarily here He has captured sin [death or the fear of
death]. By His victory over death, He captured it. Note what
I Corinthians 15:54-57
teaches about this. Verses 9-10 Jesus not only came
to earth, but He also descended into the Hadean world where
spirits of the dead await the resurrection. (Acts
He went into the part called “Paradise.” (Luke
But the gates of Hades could not retain Christ’s spirit. He
broke through them, rose from the dead, and established His
church as promised. (Matthew
If He had not risen from the dead, the church apparently
would not have been established. But because He did rise
from the grave on the third day, He returned to heaven and
was seated at God’s right hand. The Holy Spirit was sent to
the apostles to guide them into all truth and confirm that
Word by use of miraculous gifts. (John
16:7, 13-14)
Then the apostles gave spiritual gifts to certain members of
the Lord’s church to help fulfill God’s plan before the
revelation was complete.
These four verses are a marvelous description of the “One
Who Gave Gifts.” The last book in God’s Word records these
words of the resurrected Christ. (Revelation
“I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of
Christ took possession of the keys to Hades and Death.
Because He conquered death, His victory insures our ultimate
triumph. For if we “trust and obey,” we can have assurance
and confidence that a home in heaven will be ours. (Hebrews
Are you ready to accept Christ’s invitation?
Bobby Stafford
June 15, 2014