Church of Christ Sermons and Lessons from
Ephesians |
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Bobby Stafford |
That You May Understand (Studies from Ephesians) |
Ephesians |
May 11, 2014 |
Sunday AM Sermon |
That You May Understand
How many in the world today claim that it is impossible to
understand the Bible. That it is a mystery. We must have
divine help. Official interpreters are needed. But our text
clearly affirms that we can know God’s will for man’s
salvation. That God’s plan for man’s redemption has been
fully revealed.
Ephesians 3:1-7
Paul’s Stewardship of the Mystery
Verses 1-2
Paul had just discussed how the Gentile Christians in
Ephesus had gone from being dead in trespasses and sins to
being a temple where God dwells. Paul had been given a
stewardship [entrusted with] by God to preach the gospel
[good news] to Gentiles. (Acts 26:16-18,
Galatians 1:15-16)
It was by their acceptance of and obedience to this gospel
that had caused this great transformation. His preaching had
caused something else. He was now a prisoner! (Ephesians
Note also Colossians 1:24-25.
The Revealing of the Mystery
Verses 3-5
“Mystery” is information which cannot be known unless it is
revealed by the originator. “Revelation” is to remove the
cover from or to unveil. God’s plan for man’s redemption
[the mystery] was not fully revealed until the first
century. Paul, as well as the other apostles, prophets,
received it through the Holy Spirit. (Romans 16:25-26)
This was the way God chose to do it. (Galatians
1:11-12, I Corinthians 2:11-14)
Verse 4
Paul makes an extremely important declaration. “The
revelation he received of God’s plan has been set forth in
the written Word. When they read it, they would have the
same knowledge of the plan that the apostle had.” This
underscores the necessity of reading the Word today.
First Scripture can be understood. Paul said so! It can be
understood, clearly seen in order to get the sense and
meaning. Second We cannot just skim over the Bible. We must
devote time and energy to truly understand. (Psalm
Acts 17:11:
“These were more fair-minded that those in
Thessalonica in all readiness, and searched the Scriptures
daily to find out whether these things were so.”
Third Apply a careful method of study. Check the passage to
know who is speaking or to whom the passage is speaking. Why
were statements made; what were the circumstances? God’s
Word is the most important book in all the world. Let’s
become the best students of it that we can!
The Result of the Mystery
Verses 6-7
God’s plan, from the beginning, was to unite the redeemed,
both Jew and Gentile, in the one body of Christ. Note the
“in Christ” in verse 6. Jesus gave a preview of this in
John 10:9, 16.
Recall that the one body is the church. (Ephesians 1:22-23)
The saints, whether from Jewish or Gentile backgrounds, are
partakers of the same blessings and privileges, because both
are in the same body, the same church. They are “in Christ.”
(Colossians 1:27-28)
All can receive that eternal inheritance, everlasting life
in heaven. How? Be baptized for forgiveness of sins.
(Galatians 3:27)
Will you?
Bobby Stafford
May 11, 2014