The church of Christ 


At Granby, MO

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Bobby Stafford In This World But Not Of This World Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif Christian Living


This world is not our home is it?   God will one day burn it all up; Destroy it, 2 Peter 3.  Jesus said heaven an earth would passed away, Matthew 24:35.  this world is only temporary so we should not set our hopes on it, but rather our eternal home.

we also used end in hand we reach that heavenly home, was limited world without the world live in us. We are told not to be conformed to this world, Romans 12:2.  We must allow scripture and only scripture to guide our journey here on earth, 1 Peter 2:11.



a.     The world that God created was “very good“! But when sin entered it, things changed and it has become dark , ugly and now is under the influence and control of Satan, 1 John 5: 19.  Satan is the God of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4.  Most people follow the devil on the Y path they need to do, Matthew 7: 13- 14.

b.     This world is not our friend, James 4: 4. We are commanded not to love it, 1 John 2:15.  This world prefers all that is against God. The world is in competition with God.

c.     Our world today is filled with hate, racism, prejudice and evil of all kinds.  LGBTQ, abortions greed, lust, Galatians 5: 19-21.  We should feel like Lott, 2 Peter 2: 7- 8.  This world has been corrupted by sin.



a.     Christians long for the next World where we will live with the Lord forever, 2 Corinthians 4: 17- 18.  So we set our minds on things above, Colossians 1: 5; 3: 1- 4.

b.    Jesus came to deliver us from this present evil age, Galatians 1: 4.  Because of this we should not become entangled in the world, even though we must Shop at the same stores, work at the same jobs as unbelievers do. We must not let them take our focus off our heavenly home.  We need to keep in mind why we are on this earth.  Our citizenship is in heaven, Philippians 3: 20- 21.



a.     Christians cannot escape living in this world.  So how should we live then in this world of sin and evil? 

b.    Be a faithful employee, honest and trustworthy. Be careful with our speech. Ultimately we are working for God, Colossians 3: 22- 24.

c.     Be a good neighbor. Love your neighbor as yourself, Galatians 6- 10.  In a world full of selfishness and meanness, go about doing good. Display kindness to a world of corruption and hostility.

d.    Be mission minded.  Take advantage of opportunities to invite others to services, Matthew 28: 19- 20.

e.    Avoid worldly entanglements.  Do not have any fellowship with works of darkness, Ephesians 5:11.  We must speak out against sin and call it what it is.



a.     As Christians, we live in a crooked and perverse nation, Philippians 2: 15- 16.  People of integrity show people a better way to live.  This world is not our home,  but while we are here, we should try to make a difference.


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The Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.  Please feel free to use any of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey