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Being A Disciple Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Bobby Stafford

Being A Disciple


The example of Followers in social media.

What does it mean to follow Christ and be his disciple? What is the price of discipleship? We must be willing to take up our cross and follow him. But what does that life look like?

Text: Luke Chapter 9 versus 23 through 27

1.       A Disciple is a Christian

a.       Note Acts 11: 26. In order to be a disciple, one must be a Christian, a child of God.

b.       One must come to God in faith, repenting of their sins, confessing their beliefs in the risen savior, and being immersed in water for the forgiveness of sins.

c.       Then one begins the life of the disciple.

2.       A Disciple follows

a.       If anyone would come after me. This means to follow his example and his teachings; to join his company and travel with him.

b.       Following involves making sacrifices. Matthew 8: 18- 22. One may have to give up comfort, possessions, even family relationships to be a disciple. John 15: 18-20. The allegiance to Christ must be greater than any other.  Matthew 10: 37-39.

3.       A Disciple learns.

a.       To follow Jesus means to learn from him, his example and teachings. John 6: 45. To be his disciple, we must learn from him.

b.       His words have been left for us in scripture. Second Timothy 3: 16-17. His words we learn in order to apply in our lives. Philippians 4:9.

4.       A Disciple worships

a.       Disciples gather on the first day of the week to worship their Lord and master. Acts 20: 7. This was done since the beginning acts 2: 42.

b.       This worship is to be done in spirit and in truth as Jesus himself taught. 14: 23-24.

5.       A Disciple serves

a.       Practices hospitality. Acts 21: 16-17. Opened up his home.

b.       Uses his resources to serve. First peter 4: 9-10. This is reinforced in Hebrews 13: 16.

6.       A Disciple loves

a.       Love is to be the distinguishing mark of a disciple. John 13: 34-35.

b.       This love is to mimic Jesus’ love for his disciples. John 13:1.

7.       Conclusion:  we have seen today what it really and truly means to be a disciple of Christ. A disciple is a christian who follows and learns from jesus, he worships, he gives, he serves, and he loves. This describes a real disciple.