The church of Christ 


At Granby, MO


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Why I Should Become A Christian Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\Image2.gif  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif

Bobby Stafford

Why You Should Be A Christian

Introduction: In becoming a Christian, a person must make a deliberate choice. So why should you make this choice?


1.       It is what God wants you to be

·        God is our creator. (Acts 17:28) honor and respect are due him as our father and God (Hebrews 12:9).

·        God wants us to become Christians (Acts 26:28-29).

2.       One glorifies God as a Christian

·        God is glorified when a disciple bears fruit. (John 15:8)  but you can only bear fruit if you abide in Christ karma god's son (John 15:4)

·        Note: choose a fruit of the spirit each day through which you will bring glory to God. (Galatians 5: 22-23)

·        the Lord's church glorifies God.  (Ephesians 3: 20-21).  But those in the church, the lord's body, are Christians. (Ephesians 5: 23)

3.       Because of a Christians influence

·        No man is an island. Every individual wields an influence either good or bad. (Matthew 12: 30)

·        A Christian is to influence the world for good by what they say and do. (Matthew 5:13-16).

·        Our positive works glorify God. (1 Peter 2: 12)

4.       Because of family responsibility

·        God holds parents responsible for teaching their children. (Deuteronomy 4: 4-7)

·        this requires parents setting a proper example. Parents cannot expect children to honor them if they do not honor God.

·        One soul is worth more than all the world. (Matthew 16: 25-26)

·        Illustration of a balance

·        This material world will be totally destroyed (2 Peter 3: 10-11), But the soul will live on forever. (Matthew 25: 46)

·        The value of the soul is seen in what it cost to redeem it. (Hebrews 2: 9-10)

5.       Because it is the only way to heaven

·        Without the Lord, you are lost. (John 3: 17-190

·        There is only one way to heaven. (John 14: 6 & Matthew 7: 13-14)

6.       Conclusion

·        We have seen in this lesson why you should become a Christian. The choice is yours.

Lesson outline by Bobby Stafford, 

Free to use to the Glory of God.

The church of Christ at Granby, Missouri

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

More lessons, sermons and outlines at:


Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What Does the church of Christ Teach?

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The Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.  Please feel free to use any of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey