A Living
Text: Romans
12: 1, 2
Romans chapter
12 is often referred to as “the Christian manual.” This chapter
summarizes how a Christian is to live in this world. A pivotal
verse (1-11) discusses the fundamental doctrines of the faith.
Then, verses 12-16 focus on duties and applications based on
those doctrines—“service.” Never forget that what we believe
helps determine how we behave. For example, evolutionary
teaching suggests no moral guidelines, equating animal behavior
with human life that lacks value. Not only do we need to
understand these doctrines in verses 1-11, but we must also
allow them to change who we are and how we act. Knowledge by
itself is not enough.
Presentation (verse 1)
Paul “Beseeches” them, meaning he appeals,
implores, and pleads with them. This appeal is based on God’s
mercy—what He has already done in sacrificing His Son (Romans
5:8-10). Because the Father has shown us mercy, Paul says,
“Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable
to God." Present means to offer, to make a decisive dedication,
a one-time presentation to place your bodies at God’s disposal.
Under the law of Moses, the priests made sacrifices, usually by
killing an animal and offering it on the altar. Under the law of
Christ, each Christian is the sacrifice and must die to self
(Matthew 16:24-25). As a result of that presentation, we live no
longer for ourselves! We are to be a “living” sacrifice of our
“whole” bodies—our entire being—our all. It is to be a sacrifice
The ears-hearing
instructions from the Bible (Luke 10: 16 ).
The hands
- working to help those in need (Ephesians 4:28).
The feet-should
not flee responsibility, but instead take the gospel to the
world (Romans 10: 15 ).
The tongue
should not produce corrupt speech but instead, teach and edify
(Ephesians 4: 29 ).
Our affections-
our love for family and friends is second to our love of God
(Matthew 10: 37 ).
This type of sacrifice is described by Paul as
our “reasonable service.” The spiritual service you perform is
the logical result of your faith in God. They go hand in hand.
It is an act of your will to determine to serve the Lord with
your whole heart and mind.
"Do not be conformed to this world." Be separate
in speech and lifestyle. Listen to Peter's words (1 Peter 1:14).
Do not become worldly! The world is anything and everything
contrary to the will of God. This “world” belongs to Satan, and
since Satan and Christ have no fellowship, we, who have been set
apart to serve Christ, cannot have any fellowship with it
either. Remember, we are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20).
Worldliness is subtle; it creeps up gradually on a Christian.
Friendship with the world (James 4:4) and love for the world (1
John 2:15-17) lead to conformity to the world. We are to come
out from among them and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17).
Separation means consecration.
It refers to the change from one form to another—commonly known
as "metamorphosis." This transformation occurs through the
renewing of our minds and is a continual process that happens
daily. It must start with an inward change of thoughts, beliefs,
and emotions before any outward change can be observed. As
stated, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs
23:7). This principle is also seen in the New Testament
(Ephesians 4:22-24), which discusses “putting off, renewing, and
putting on.” When transformation takes place, a person is able
to prove, discern, discover, and follow the will of God by
focusing on the right things (Philippians 4:8). The Christian
can find and follow God's will as revealed in His Word.
Christians, are
you being conformed to the world or transformed into the image
of Christ? Have you dedicated your bodies as a living sacrifice?
If you have, you won't find it hard to attend every assembly
possible, to put forth more effort to teach the gospel to those
around you, to be even more generous in your giving, and to be
spouses, parents, and children that God is proud of. Or maybe
some need to put on the Lord and be baptized?
February, 2025
Sermon prepared
by Bobby Stafford
Prepared by
Bobby Stafford
The church of
Christ at Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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