The Providence of God
Although the word Providence never appears in God's word, the
subject is taught throughout scripture. This word comes from a
Latin word meaning “to take thought for, foresee.” A good
definition is “that preservation, care, and governance which God
exercises over all things that he has created, so that they may
accomplish the ends for which they were created.”
The Providence of God
includes a general Providence he exercises over the universe and
a special Providence which God exercises on behalf of his
children. One way the latter is seen is in the biblical doctrine
of prayer, a privilege reserved for those in the Body of Christ
It is already seen that
Providence is opposed to deism, which says that God made the
world but never guides or intervenes in it in any way. This is
the opposite of fate or chance, which sees everything in the
world as just luck or the roll of dice.
How God's
Providence operates
God never
providentially acts inconsistent with his nature or his word.
For instance, since God never tempts men to do evil (James
1:13,14), you could never claim that God providentially
influenced someone to do wrong. Similarly, since God's word
reveals how a person is saved, one could never say that God’s
providence worked so that they could be saved another way.
Providence of God will never take away man's freedom of choice.
God does not force anyone to do good or evil (John 5: 39, 40)
but God does use people's choices to accomplish his divine
purpose. Everything that happens is not God's Providence. Note
the following about pharaoh in Exodus 8:15 and 9:1.
providential must be distinguished from the miraculous. A
miracle is God's working on a plane above that of natural law.
Providence is his utilization of natural law. In a miracle, the
Lord works directly; in Providence, he operates indirectly,
employing his means to accomplish the end. Example- Matthew 8
tells of Jesus and the disciples caught in a terrible storm on
the sea of Galilee. He miraculously calmed the storm. Centuries
earlier, during a drought in Palestine, Elijah prayed for rain,
and God sent it, but he did so by his Providence by using normal
means of rain clouds.
God works
behind the scenes in providence. His providential workings are
not as clearly seen as His miracles. One should carefully avoid
stating that some particular event was the working of God's
Providence. Consider Mordecai's words to Queen Esther in Esther
4: 14 and Paul's words in Philemon 15, 16.
general Providence is manifested over the entire world. Christ
“upholds all things by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1: 3).
Colossians 1:17 says that all things consist in Christ. This
means all things are held together or stand together. Scientists
have been looking for the great unifying force in nature for
years; picture scripture says that it is Jesus.
The Bible
declares that God controls the seasons, the sun, and the stars
and sends the rains (Acts 14).
God provides
for the animal Kingdom (Psalms 147, Matthew 6).
Providence is manifested over the nations of the world (Daniel
2:21; 4:17).
The special
Providence of God
God has
promised a special providential care for his special people.
God's people
are never alone- “I will never leave you or forsake you”
(Hebrews 13: 5 ).
God's people
never have to live a life filled with constant fear. “the Lord
is my helper, I will not fear what man can do to me” (Hebrews
13: 6). God cares for us and helps Christians in a way he
doesn't help anyone else (Psalms 34:15-17).
Consider the
words in one Corinthians 10: 13. What a great comfort.
Consider the
words in Romans 8:28- how magnificent.
the biblical doctrine of
God's Providence brings courage and hope to all who love God and
seek his Kingdom first.
February 13, 2025
Sermon prepared by Bobby
Prepared by Bobby Stafford
The church of Christ at
Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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