Speaking in Tongues
Due to the influence of
Pentecostalism, many people throughout the world claim to have
spoken in tongues. By this, they mean ecstatic utterances-
unintelligible expressions—sometimes called heavenly languages. What
should we make of this? What does the word of God say about speaking
in tongues?
Mark 16: 15-20.
New tongues were a sign given to reveal and confirm the word of God.
This enabled them to go and preach everywhere, verse 20, to every
creature, verse 15. The word “new” here in Greek means new to the
speaker, one that is already in existence.
Acts 2: 4-8, 11.
The apostles, at most, knew Greek, Hebrew, or possibly Aramaic.
now, after receiving the Holy Spirit's baptism, they could speak in
many other languages and dialects. This is clear from the context.
The text defines what speaking in tongues is. Luke wanted to make it
crystal clear by adding the various countries from where the
listeners came. These men were not speaking unintelligible, ecstatic
utterances but languages understood by the crowd at Pentecost. Peter
further claims that this phenomenon fulfilled Old Testament
prophecy, Acts 2: 14-21.
10: 44-47. The household of Cornelius was baptized in the Holy
Spirit and began speaking in tongues (Acts 11: 15-18). The Gentiles
were to be accepted into the Kingdom just as Jews. Peter says that
these Gentiles did the same as what he and the other apostles did on
Pentecost, speaking in foreign languages. There is no hint of
unintelligible, ecstatic utterances.
Acts 19: 1-6.
Twelve men were baptized with John's baptism. Then, they underwent
the baptism of the Great Commission. Paul laid hands on them,
enabling them to speak in tongues, which is the same expression as
other examples.
1st Corinthians 12: 7-11.
Paul lists the nine distinct gifts of the spirit. Verses 28-30,
speaking in tongues, was never meant to be universal in the church.
It was a specific gift to a limited number. This is a very
important point. Something else of importance is the phrase kinds of
tongues. The Greek word for “kinds” means one in a family or class,
things related to one another. There are many kinds of fish, but
they are all fish. There are many kinds of tongues but they are all
intelligible languages. Paul could not have combined known foreign
languages with unintelligible, ecstatic utterances. They are not
related to one another at all.
1st Corinthians 13: 1, 8-10.
They understood one another whenever men and angels talked together
in biblical times. There were no unintelligible utterances. Also,
tongue speaking was to cease when god's revelation was complete. No
tongue speaking since the end of the 1st century.
1st Corinthians 14: 2-4.
Speaking in tongues needs to be understandable to be profitable.
1st Corinthians 14: 9-11.
Further emphasizes that speaking in tongues is` the existing
languages of the world. 1st Corinthians 14: 21-22. Verse 21 refers
to Isaiah 28: 11-12. The reference to the men of other tongues is to
Assyrians. It definitely refers to known foreign languages in verse
21. The usage in verse 22 must be to foreign languages as well.
Can anyone miraculously speak in tongues today? The
answer is no. Tongue speaking in the 1st century was a miraculous,
spiritual gift of speaking in a known foreign language unknown to
the speaker. Its purpose was to reveal and confirm god's word until
that revelation was complete. When the purpose was fulfilled, the
Speaking of tongues ceased. Those today who speak ecstatic,
utterances that are unintelligible are not from God. While spiritual
gifts were temporary, love will last through eternity. If we love
God, we will keep his commandments.
Sermon prepared by Bobby
April 5, 2020
Prepared by Bobby Stafford
The church of Christ at Granby,
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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