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At Granby, MO


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Library of Sermon Outlines on Salvation: 

Sermon/Lesson Title

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What Can We Learn From Noah?

Introduction: Throughout the ages, men have discussed the question, " How is man saved?” Numerous opinions have been put forth. Some say man is saved by grace alone. Others say man is saved by faith alone. While others say works save us. Which one is it? Can we be sure?

The only answer we can be sure of is found in God's word. While we live in the gospel age today, we can still learn much about God's dealings with his people. In the Old Testament, we will focus primarily on Noah's life to see how he was saved.



Bobby Stafford
February 2025

The Will of God
For All To Be Saved


In verses one and two, Paul exhorted prayers to be offered for all men, including civil authorities. The desired result was an environment of calm and peace, one conducive to spreading the gospel to all men.

1 Timothy 2:3-7
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, 7 for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle — I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying — a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.



Bobby Stafford

Lay Hold On Eternal Life

The apostle Paul ends his first letter to Timothy, the evangelist, emphatically by encouraging him to lay hold on eternal life. Paul describes how all Christians can get a firm grip on everlasting life. He lists certain principles that one must pursue if one wants heaven to be his home. This is of the utmost importance!

Sermon text:

1 Timothy 6:11-16

Bobby Stafford


What Must I Believe To Be Saved? 

Many who claim Jesus Christ as their savior believe they are saved by faith alone.  They feel that by simply believing in Jesus as the Son of God and that He died for our sins will get them into heaven.   Believing in the original Greek can and often does mean more than a simple mental acknowledgment of facts.  God’s Word is written to others for us to read.  What it meant to them is what it must mean to us today.   

Lesson Text:  John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” “He who believes in Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47).  “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).

Theme:  The purpose of this lesson is to examine what the NT writers wrote to their readership concerning believing in Jesus with the goal of determining what they needed to believe to be saved and then make the necessary applications to our own faith. 

Bobby Stafford


The Will Of God

In verses one and two, Paul exhorted that prayers should be offered for all men, including civil authorities. The desired result was a world of calm, serenity, and peace, one conducive to spreading the gospel to all men.

Text: 1 Timothy 2: 3-7

Bobby Stafford

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What Hinders You?

After Stephen was put to death for the cause of Christ, great persecution arose against the church. As a result, a large number of Christians were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. These Christians were everywhere preaching God. One is specifically named Phillip. He was one of seven chosen in Acts 6. He was later called Philip the Evangelist (Acts 21:8). He preached Christ and his Kingdom in the city of Samaria and many were converted.

Lesson text: Acts 8:26-40

Bobby Stafford

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The Thief On The Cross

This man who died next to our savior teaches us many great lessons. This lesson will primarily focus on this man's attitude at the point of death.
Matthew 27:38-44, Luke 23:40-42

Bobby Stafford

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Sermon/Lesson Title 
(Right Click to Download)

Audio   Video  
MS Word 

Bobby Stafford What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\youtube.gif
Bobby Stafford Can I Know I’m Saved? Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif 
Bobby Stafford The Context of John 3:16
Sermon Notes
Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif 
Bobby Stafford God's Plan For Salvation of Mankind
Sermon Outline
Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif 

Bobby Stafford

Is Salvation A Gift? Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\word.png  Description: C:\Users\david\Documents\My Web Sites\Church\images\pps.gif 
Bobby Stafford How To Become A Disciple of Jesus  
A Lesson from Matthew 28:18-20 (The Great Commission) 
Bobby Stafford Why Some Won't Be Saved       
Bobby Stafford Saved By What?       
Bobby Stafford The Remedy For Death       
Bobby Stafford

Choose Life

David Hersey

The Thief on the Cross

Bobby Stafford

The Blank Page  (Download Audio)

David Hersey

What Saves Us?     (Audio) (Video)


David Hersey

Why Become A Christian


David Hersey

God's Plan for Man's Salvation


Richard Chambers

Plan of Salvation

David Hersey

Salvation Scriptures

Pat Cowden The Costliness of Salvation
David Hersey Salvation Is