What Can We Learn From Noah?
Introduction: Throughout
the ages, men have discussed the question, " How is man saved?”
Numerous opinions have been put forth. Some say man is saved by
grace alone. Others say man is saved by faith alone. While others
say works save us. Which one is it? Can we be sure?
The only answer we can be sure
of is found in God's word. While we live in the gospel age today, we
can still learn much about God's dealings with his people. In the
Old Testament, we will focus primarily on Noah's life to see how he
was saved.
Noah was saved
by grace
Noah lived in a time of gross
immortality and wickedness (Genesis 6: 5- 6). But Noah also sinned.
Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
God.” There was a difference between Noah and the world around
him (Genesis 6: 9). His qualities caught God's eye (Genesis 6: 8).
Noah found favor in God's sight. This meant Noah wouldn't suffer the
wrath of God like the rest of mankind. Grace did not overlook or
excuse Noah’s sins, but it was an undeserved gift. We are like Noah
in many respects. We also live in a world that is overflowing with
sin. Also, we sin, as did Noah. We can be saved from the punishment.
We are due by receiving the grace of God (Ephesians 2: 8- 9). We do
not deserve nor can we earn God's grace period, while Noah, who was
saved by grace, was not saved by grace alone. Neither are we.
Noah Was Also
Saved by Faith
Consider Hebrews 11: 6-7.
Jehovah warned Noah about the coming flood (Genesis 6: 17. God's
grace is apparent here. Without it, Noah would have perished. But
grace did not build the ark. Noah believed God and trusted God that
he would do what he said. God said it, and Noah believed it. It was
this faith that moved him to build the ark. This faith saved him.
But he wasn't saved by this faith alone. Noah was saved by grace and
We today must have faith as
well. Especially we must believe that Jesus is the son of God, who
died for our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead on the
third day. Jesus said, “For if you do not believe that I am he,
you will die in your sins” John 8: 24. Then consider Romans 10:
9- 10, which adds that we must also believe that he arose from the
dead. That faith leads us to salvation. It is coupled with the grace
we see in Ephesians 2:8. God's grace and Noah's faith worked
Noah Was Also
Saved by works
consider Genesis 6:22. God's
grace warned Noah about the coming flood, and he believed God was
telling the truth. But if he had not built the ark, he would have
died like everyone else. Noah's faith caused him to build the ark-
to do the work god told him to do to be saved. God did not build the
ark for Noah. Noah had to do that for himself. So, we see grace,
faith, and works. All involved in Noah's being saved from the
Analogy: my wife makes the
most delicious homemade bread. I have watched her make this bread on
many different occasions and noticed that it requires several
ingredients. She puts in flour, sugar, and eggs and always puts in a
little pinch of yeast. I confess that I do not know my way around a
kitchen, but I know little about yeast. Yeast does not make the
bread nor gives it that wonderful taste; the other ingredients do
that. Apart from the other ingredients, it really has little use,
but don't think for a minute that the yeast is not important. The
bread resembles a hard, blunt weapon without the yeast instead of an
edible delight. In a crude way, yeast is to bread what works are to
the Christian. Without the grace of God and faith, works are
useless. The opposite is true as well.
James 2:14-17. Faith that does
not work is dead and good for nothing. Faith alone does not save
(James 2: 24- 26 ). We access God's grace through works of
obedience, not works of merit. So grace, faith, and works are all
involved in our salvation.
Noah Was Also
Saved by water
consider 1 Peter 3:20. The
water destroyed All of the wicked. This sinful world was washed
away by water. But eight precious souls were saved by water. So,
Noah was saved by grace, faith, works, and water. All four were
working together!
Consider 1 Peter 3:21. God
says in his word that baptism now saves us—it washes away our sins
just like the waters of the flood washed away the sins of the world.
Our sins today are washed away by water (Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16).
Mark 16:16 shows us how faith and baptism are tied together for our
God's word says grace, faith,
works, and water save us. But we are not saved by grace alone, faith
alone, works alone, or water alone. Any of these alone saves no one.
God's grace made salvation and
an eternal home in heaven possible. Our faith trusts in God and
should lead us to repent, confess, and be immersed in water.
February 13, 2025
Sermon prepared by Bobby
Prepared by Bobby Stafford
The church of Christ at
Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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