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What Does the church of Christ Teach About?

More appropriately, what does the word of God teach?  We in the church of Christ believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant word of God and as such is the sole authority for Christians today.  Laying aside the teachings and titles of men, using the word of God and only it, patterning His church and our lives after the approved examples in the New Testament, we believe the church today can be just what it was in the first century when it was established.  And by following the examples of the faithful New Testament Christians, those of us in the church of Christ will be today just what they were then.  Christians only and only Christians. 

Following is an index of material published on this website organized by topic for easy navigation.  The material on this website teaches only those things which can be supported by the word of God.  We in the church of Christ welcome you here and invite you to freely download, listen and take whatever you want from this website for your use whether it be for personal or for service in the kingdom of Christ.  Thank you for visiting our website.  

What does the church of Christ Teach about:
What does the church of Christ teach about Baptism? (updated)
What does the church of Christ teach about Christian Living?
What does the church of Christ teach about The Church?
What does the church of Christ teach about Disobedience?
What does the church of Christ teach about Doctrine?
What does the church of Christ teach about the End of Earth?
What does the church of Christ teach about Following the New Testament Pattern for Christianity?
What does the church of Christ teach about the Faith?
What does the church of Christ teach about God?
What does the church of Christ teach about Heaven?
What does the church of Christ teach about Hell?
What does the church of Christ teach about Christian Holiness?
What does the church of Christ teach about the Holy Spirit (updated)
What does the church of Christ teach about the Bible?
What does the church of Christ teach about Judgment?
What does the church of Christ teach about kingdom of God?
What does the church of Christ teach about Man?
What does the church of Christ teach about Maturity?
What does the church of Christ teach about Obedience?
What does the church of Christ teach about Perseverance?
What does the church of Christ teach about Prayer?
What does the church of Christ teach about Profanity?
What does the church of Christ teach about Salvation?
What does the church of Christ teach about Sin?
What does the church of Christ teach about Trusting God
What does the church of Christ teach about Unity?
What does the church of Christ teach about Worship (updated)
What does the church of Christ teach about What Saves Us?
Bible Timeline (incomplete) (updated Nov 2007)


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What Does the church of Christ Teach?


The Sermons, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ
and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any
of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."