Sermon/Lesson Title

Serve One
Jesus and his apostles were traveling to
Jerusalem, where he would ultimately offer his life on the cross. An
opportunity arises for him to impart a much-needed lesson on
service. Consider Matthew 20:25-28. Spiritual greatness is not
determined by the number of people who serve us but rather by the
amount of service we give. Shortly before his death, he taught
another profound lesson on service in Matthew 25:34-40. When we
serve others, we are, in essence, serving the Lord. While God's word
informs us of many ways to serve one another, let us focus primarily
on two: being hospitable and visiting each other. |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
February 2025 |
Christian’s Speech
Introduction: I would
imagine that if you asked the residents of almost any town whether
they believe the Bible is indeed the word of God, most would say
"yes." Yet, it is easy to see that their belief does not affect how
they live daily. This is most evident in people's speech. Many
believe there is nothing wrong with lying or taking God's name in
vain, to name just a few examples. But what about the Christian?
What should characterize his or her speech? It's to those questions
in particular that we now turn our attention. |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
February 2025 |
Christian At Work
Jesus prayed for the apostles in John 17:15 as follows: “I do not
pray that you should take them out of the world, but that you should
keep them from the evil one." We, as followers of Christ, must learn
to live in the world without becoming like it. We are not to wear
our Christianity only inside the church building and then take it
off outside. This is particularly important in the workplace. How do
we navigate the workplace without becoming like many of our
co-workers? How do we let our light shine at work? It is to these
questions that we now turn our attention. |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
February 2025 |
A Living
Text: Romans
12: 1, 2
Romans chapter
12 is often referred to as “the Christian manual.” This chapter
summarizes how a Christian is to live in this world. A pivotal
verse (1-11) discusses the fundamental doctrines of the faith.
Then, verses 12-16 focus on duties and applications based on
those doctrines—“service.” Never forget that what we believe
helps determine how we behave. For example, evolutionary
teaching suggests no moral guidelines, equating animal behavior
with human life that lacks value. Not only do we need to
understand these doctrines in verses 1-11, but we must also
allow them to change who we are and how we act. Knowledge by
itself is not enough. |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
February 2025 |
between slaves and masters
In Paul's letter to
Timothy, he discusses the church's conduct concerning preachers, widows,
elders, and now, in our text, slaves and masters. It has been estimated that
there were 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire at the time of this letter
was written. Some say the entire economy was built on slavery. Masters could
legally do whatever they wanted with their slaves. They were considered
merely property. It is in this background of the times that Paul writes
about how Christian slaves are to conduct themselves.
Text: 1 Timothy 6: 1, 2 |
Bobby Stafford
A Good Servant
A servant of Jesus
Christ submits to Jesus as Lord and spends their life serving him.
Those who will hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant”
on the day of judgment will be those who have been faithful in
carrying out their duties, Matthew 25.
Sermon text:1
Timothy 4: 6-11 |
Bobby Stafford
Jesus Betrayed and Denied
Jesus and the apostles were in the
garden of Gethsemane. Being in agony and deep distress, repetitions
three times, the father that, if there is any way possible, remove
this cup of suffering or death. The answer: there is no other way.
So with strong determination, he forges ahead with God's plan for
man's redemption. He tells his disciples,” Rise, let us be going.
See, he who betrays me is at hand.”
To examine Judas betrayal and Peter's denial so as to help us never
to betray or deny our savior. |
Bobby Stafford
Principle of Submission
Our society looks down upon
any concept of “submission." Just by bringing up the subject, you would
probably receive several dirty looks. Yet, it is a biblical
subject addressed countless times throughout the sacred text.
Theme: examine the
principle of submission as seen in the New Testament and determine how it
applies to the woman's role question. |
Bobby Stafford
A Sermon
in the Temple
The prophet Jeremiah was a true preacher of God’s Word.
We find him standing in the gate, at the entrance of the temple. His
message comes directly from the Lord, “thus says the Lord.” He tries to
persuade God’s people to change their minds, their attitudes. He wants them
to make a decision about their future. (Jeremiah 7:1-15)
Bobby Stafford
The Order
If God had it his way, what would our churches look
like? This is a question asked by Francis Chan in his book titled
“Letters to the church”. God gave his order for the church, and
multitudes have ignored it and\ or changed it. So that many churches
today are very different from what god ordered!!! |
Bobby Stafford

The Assembling
Of The Saints
Introduction: There
is a growing belief among those who
claim Christ as Savior that the
assembling of the saints is
unnecessary. The American culture at
large has slowly come to the place
of believing that a person can be a
Christian without regularly
gathering together with other
believers in worship and fellowship.
This is just not the case. The
Christian faith is an assembling
faith. The very word church in the
Greek is “Ekklesia” which, in the
ancient Greek, denoted a group
called out to come to the assembly.
Assembly is in the word Ekklesia.
It is claimed by some that new
testament Christians did not
assemble for worship, therefore it
is not a requirement today.
Christian Living
On The Mount
Matthew 5:27-28 "You have heard that it
was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' 28 But I say to
you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed
adultery with her in his heart. |
Bobby Stafford

Christian Living
Response To God's Revelation
God has spoken and we
need to listen! Jehovah has refilled himself in both nature and in the
Bible. Psalm 19 describes both of these, plus what our response to God’s
revelation should be. |
Bobby Stafford

Christian Living
Value of Fellowship
It is easy to understand that fellowship has great value. See Psalm 133:
1-3. Yes the early church knew this as our text affirms. Text: Acts: 23-37
Bobby Stafford

Christian Living
A Christian’s
Introduction: what do you aspire to?
What is your ambition in life?
What do you want to accomplish?
The Holy Spirit instructs
Christians to focus their ambitions
on a certain direction, 1 very
different than the world's.
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12
Bobby Stafford

Christian Living
Attitude Matters |
On The Mount
Lesson 1
5:3-4 "Blessed are the poor in
spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven. 4 Blessed are they that
mourn: for they shall be comforted." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Meek
Lesson 2 Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the
meek: for they shall inherit the earth." |
Bobby Stafford
On The Mount
Lesson 3
Beatitudes Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness" |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Merciful Lesson 4
Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are
the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart Lesson 5
Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the
pure in heart: for they shall see God." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Peacemakers Lesson 6
Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are
the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." |
Bobby Stafford
Commands All Men
Acts 17: 30-31 Introduction:
God has placed in our world physical laws that all men are subject to. Law
of gravity, every single person is subject to gravity whether they believe
in it or not. But this also applies to the spiritual world as well. All
people are subject to our lord's commandments whether they believe them or
not. |
Bobby Stafford
The Old Paths Jeremiah 6 |
Bobby Stafford
On The Mount
Lesson 1
Matthew 5:3-4
"Blessed are the
poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Meek
Lesson 2 Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the
meek: for they shall inherit the earth." |
Bobby Stafford
All Your Commands Are Truth
James 2:10-12
The readers of James's letter
had formerly been followers of the law of Moses. After their conversion to
Christianity, they were forced to leave Jerusalem due to persecution. Some
were starting to forget the importance of observing all the commands of the
royal law. James stresses in our text that every commandment is essential
and not to be forgotten or disregarded. |
Bobby Stafford
Work Out Your Own Salvation
Philippians 2:12-13
Many in the religious world
do not believe that works and salvation should be mentioned in the same
sentence. Yet the apostle Paul does that very thing in our text -
Philippians 2:12-13, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed,
not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your
own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you
both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” So what does God want us
to learn from this passage? |
Bobby Stafford
Vineyard Of The Lord Text:
Isaiah 5 Vineyards were of great importance in
biblical times period a song was written about vineyards during the days of
Isaiah. It is recorded in the 5th chapter. Verses one and two describes how
everything possible had been done to the vineyard to make sure it would
produce the best possible fruit. But it only produced wild grapes. Not only
worthless, but noxious and offensive, possibly even poisonous. |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Meek
Matthew 5:5
"Blessed are the
meek: for they shall inherit the earth." |
Bobby Stafford
On The Mount Lesson 3 Beatitudes Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness" |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Merciful
Matthew 5:7
"Blessed are
the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the
pure in heart: for they shall see God." |
Bobby Stafford
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Matthew 5:9
"Blessed are
the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." |
Bobby Stafford
Why We
Must Love God's Word King David loved and cherished God’s Word. He knew God’s Word reflected His
love for mankind. He wrote of his love for God’s Word in many scriptures.
One in particular really encapsulates David’s devotion to God’s Word in
Psalms 119:105-113 |
David Hersey
David Hersey |
Unity Of Grace, Law, Works & Faith
God's Word Chapter 1 |
Bobby Stafford |
& Reaping 2 Corinthians 9:6, Galatians 6:7-9 |
Bobby Stafford |
Spirits In Prison 1 Peter 3:18-22 |
Bobby Stafford |
Up His Cross Matthew 16:21-27 |
Bobby Stafford |
Why I
Should Become A Christian |
Bobby Stafford |
A Disciple |
Bobby Stafford |
Company 1
Corinthians 15:33, "Evil company corrupts good habits" |
Bobby Stafford |
Worthy Life
Ephesians 4:1, "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to
walk worthy of the calling with which you were called" |
Bobby Stafford |
Satan's Devices |
Bobby Stafford |
Comforting Words |
Bobby Stafford |
Decisions |
Bobby Stafford |
Judging |
Hersey |
Assembling of the Saints |
Bobby Stafford |
Thoughts for a New Year (Out with the old & in with the new) |
Bobby Stafford |
Laziness |
Bobby Stafford |
Important Than Numbers |
Bobby Stafford |
Feeding The Five Thousand |
Bobby Stafford |
Fruit of the Spirit |
Bobby Stafford |
Christian As A Priest |
Bobby Stafford |
Don't Be Deceived
Bobby Stafford |
This World But Not Of This World |
Bobby Stafford |
Time and Chance
Bobby Stafford |
Trusting God in Tough Times
Bobby Stafford |
Uncertain Times |
Bobby Stafford |
The Fallow Ground |
Bobby Stafford |
Freedom in Christ |
Bobby Stafford |
If Anyone Desires to Follow Me |
Bobby Stafford |
Heavenly Thinking |
Bobby Stafford |
Can I Know I’m Saved? |
Bobby Stafford |
Do You Not Know These Things |
Stafford |
Does “Being Spiritual” Really Mean? |
Bobby Stafford |
How Shall We Then Live?
Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
Enemies to Defeat |
Bobby Stafford |
Applying the Lessons we Learn From Scripture (Lesson from I John 2:17) |
Bobby Stafford |
If God Loves Everybody, Why Will Anybody Be Lost? Sermon outline from Romans |
Bobby Stafford |
From Glory to Greater Glory II Corinthians 3:7-11 |
Bobby Stafford |
Blessed Is the Man |
Bobby Stafford
Not Deceived
Galatians 6:7-10
Bobby Stafford |
How To Become A Disciple of Jesus
A Lesson from Matthew 28:18-20 (The Great Commission)
Bobby Stafford |
Lead Us To God |
Bobby Stafford
What Does Holiness Look Like?
Bobby Stafford |
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? |
Bobby Stafford |
Sincerity in the Christian’s Life |
Bobby Stafford |
Better Things |
Bobby Stafford |
A House of Prayer |
Bobby Stafford |
A Charge From The Lord |
Bobby Stafford |
What Lies Ahead |
Bobby Stafford |
Who Is My Brother? |
Bobby Stafford |
Search Me, Oh God |
Bobby Stafford |
Be Not Conformed |
Bobby Stafford |
Shall the Young Secure their Hearts? |

Stafford |
Spiritual Danger |
Stafford |
Drawing Near To God |
Stafford |
Overcoming Bad Traits |
Stafford |
A Sweet
Smelling Fragrance |
Stafford |
Helping the Broken Hearted |
Hersey |
This World Is Not My Home |
Stafford |
Gideon, an Unlikely Hero |
Stafford |
True Conversions |
Zane Berner |
What Should We
Lose? What Should We Not Lose? |
Bobby Stafford |
Conduct Worthy of the Gospel |
Bobby Stafford |
Danger |
Bobby Stafford |
Drawing Near To God |
Stafford |
Overcoming Bad Traits |
Stafford |
A Sweet
Smelling Fragrance |
Stafford |
Helping the Broken Hearted |
Hersey |
This World Is Not My Home |
Stafford |
Gideon, an Unlikely Hero |
Stafford |
True Conversions |
Stafford |
What Is A
Strong Church? |
Stafford |
Cleaning the
Inside |
Stafford |
Need to Stir Our Memories |
Stafford |
Guard Your Heart |
Stafford |
People Let You Down |
Bobby Stafford |
Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims |
Bobby Stafford |
Remember His Benefits |
Bobby Stafford |
Go To The Ant |
Bobby Stafford |
Living Life As It Is
Bobby Stafford |
Perilous Times Shall Come |
Bobby Stafford |
The Need For Knowledge |
Bobby Stafford |
Individual Responsibility |
Bobby Stafford |
Life-Long Learners |
Zane Berner |
How Cain Showed Us What Not To Do |
Zane Berner |
Similarities Between Christians and Olympic Athletes |
Bobby Stafford |
The Need to Move Forward |
Bobby Stafford |
Ancient Graveyard |
Bobby Stafford |
Ye Are The Salt of the Earth |
Bobby Stafford |
Ways To Get Involved |
Bobby Stafford |
Gideon, An Unlikely Hero |
Bobby Stafford |
God's Vineyard |
Bobby Stafford |
Keeping Close to God |
Bobby Stafford |
Imitate What is Good |
Bobby Stafford |
Prove All Things |
Hersey |
Freedom Through Bondage |
Bobby Stafford |
Giving Your Best |
Bobby Stafford |
A Culture Gone Wrong |
Bobby Stafford |
Israel Came To The Mountain |
Bobby Stafford |
A Trustworthy Saying |
Bobby Stafford |
Situation Ethics |
Bobby Stafford |
Spiritual Morality |
Bobby Stafford |
Following Afar Off |
Bobby Stafford |
Response to Truth |
Bobby Stafford |
Promises of God |
Bobby Stafford |
True Wisdom Is |
Bobby Stafford |
A Song of Hope |
Bobby Stafford |
Perilous Times Shall Come |
Bobby Stafford |
Began to Make Excuses
Luke 14:15-24 We live in a day and time when all around us are failing to take
responsibility for their actions. We make excuses for what
is done or not done. We believe some behavior is excused
due to the environment in which we live. It is “society’s
fault!” People have been making excuses for centuries. |
Bobby Stafford
January 20, 2013 Sunday PM Sermon |
The Righteous
As children of God, we understand ours is a sinful society. The
solution to our society’s problems lies not in entertainment,
pleasure, or pop psychology; but in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Romans
Since “righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any
people.” (Proverbs
We need to come to an understanding of what righteousness truly is.
I. The Meaning of Righteousness
Must Exceed that of Scribes and Pharisees
Must Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness
Bobby Stafford
February 10, 2013 |
The Lukewarm Christian
First Lukewarm Church of the Apathetic.
“Nothing too boring, nothing too exciting. We want
it to fit into our American Culture Christianity.
No songs too slow, no songs too fast. Nothing from
the ancient songs and nothing after the 70s.”
Nothing ever challenging. We want encouragement
and comfort.”
The lukewarm man feels he does a great and marvelous thing by making
it to the church service.
The lukewarm person gives God the left-overs, not the first fruits.
The lukewarm man lets Jesus control part of his life, not all of
The lukewarm person loves himself and this world more than other
people and heavenly things. |
Bobby Stafford |
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning |
Bobby Stafford |
Our Eyes Are On You |
Bobby Stafford |
A Song of Hope |
Bobby Stafford |
Promises of God |
Bobby Stafford |
Response to Truth |
Bobby Stafford |
Put Not Your Trust in Princes |
Bobby Stafford |
Principles of an
Abundant Life (Download
Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
Man of Integrity (Download
Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
The Life Of A Pilgrim (Download
Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
Prejudice (Download
Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
From the Inside Out
Audio) |
David Hersey |
A Quiet and Gentle Spirit |
Bobby Stafford |
Applying the Lessons we Learn From Scripture (Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
A Disciple of Christ (Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
Unselfishness (Audio) |
Bobby Stafford |
The Rest of God (Audio)
(Video) |
Bobby Stafford |
Lust or Love (Audio)
(Video) |
Bobby Stafford |
He Who Trembles At My Word (Audio)
(Video) |
Bobby Stafford |
The Valley of Vision (Audio)
(Video) |
Bobby Stafford |
Love One Another (Audio)
(Video) |
Bobby Stafford |
Amen (Audio)
(Video) |
David Hersey |
Do You Have A Right Relationship With God? |
David Hersey |
Lukewarm Christianity |
Bobby Stafford |
Degrees of Rewards and Punishments |
Bobby Stafford |
Transforming Ourselves into the Image of God |
Bobby Stafford |
World Views |
Bobby Stafford |
Why Are You Afraid? |
Bobby Stafford |
A Better
Congregation |
Bobby Stafford |
What Will You Be
Doing? |
Bobby Stafford |
Convicted of Being a Christian |
Bobby Stafford |
The Value
of A Soul |
Bobby Stafford |
Perfecting Holiness |
Bobby Stafford |
Lord's Invitation |
David Hersey |
Analysis of
Obedience |
Bobby Stafford |
Goals For The New Year |
Bobby Stafford |
Struggles |
Bobby Stafford |
Abiding in Christ |
Bobby Stafford |
Lay Up
For Yourself Treasures in Heaven |
Bobby Stafford |
The Cost
of Caring |
Bobby Stafford |
Love Your Enemies |
Bobby Stafford |
The Law
of Vengeance |
Bobby Stafford |
The Taking
of Oaths |
Bobby Stafford |
Righteousness That Exceeds |
Bobby Stafford |
Listen to the
Voice of the Lord |
Bobby Stafford |
Jesus in Your Youth |
Bobby Stafford |
Power of Influence |
Bobby Stafford |
and Rulers |
Bobby Stafford |
Lord Remember Me (the Thief on the Cross) |
Bobby Stafford |
How to Know What is Right |
Bobby Stafford |
in Our Lives (From Proverbs) |
Bobby Stafford |
and Hypocrisy |
Bobby Stafford |
Christian as Slave |
Bobby Stafford |
Rich Man Who Forgot God |
Travis Main |
The Sons of
Jacob |
Bobby Stafford |
God's Guidance |
Travis Main |
Distinctiveness of Christianity |
David Hersey |
Reverence |
David Hersey |
The Lord is My Shepherd |
Donnie Autry |
Legalism |
David Hersey |
The Full Grown Christian |
Kim Reynolds |
Being a Christian |
Bobby Stafford |
How Should We Then Live? |
Bobby Stafford |
A Christian's Influence |
Pat Cowden |
How To Remain Faithful |
Bobby Stafford |
Be Anxious For Nothing |
Don Cope |
Attitude |
Bobby Stafford |
Endure, Train and Work |
Bobby Stafford |
Walking in the Light |
Bobby Stafford |
Be Anxious For Nothing |
Bobby Stafford |
Speak Evil of No Man |
Bobby Stafford |
Serving One Another In Love |
Richard Chambers |
Talents |
Bobby Stafford |
Right or Easy |
Bobby Stafford |
Spiritual Danger |
Don Cope |
Peace Be Still |