Taking the Gospel to the
Northern Marianas Islands


Overseen by the elders of the Water Mill Church of Christ, Springfield, Missouri

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Water Mill
Church of Christ
3020 North Barnes
Springfield, MO  65803
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Goal of the Work
· Evangelizing Tinian and Rota, and continue evangelizing Saipan
· Edifying the saints and future converts
· Equipping the saints to teach, lead, and evangelize

· Encouraging the saints to be self-governing and supporting

"Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
John 4:35

Another Great Month! (September)

 Hafa Adai!  We are very happy to report that September was another great month on Saipan & Tinian.  We now have 22 people on Tinian who have signed up for the correspondence courses. 

We went to Tinian 3 times in the month of September.  We have gone house to house door knocking in all but one section of Marpo Heights/Valley.  We will, Lord willing, be able to move on to Carolinas Heights after one more good weekend of door knocking in Marpo Heights.

We also received enough funds to purchase a 1995 Toyota Camry to use on Tinian.  This purchase along with renting the building, are vitally important in our plan to take the Gospel to Tinian.  Without them, it would have been much too expensive to pay for a hotel and car every weekend.  So thank you to all of you who contributed to the car purchase.

Before we purchased the Toyota, we had been renting a car from Hertz.  The lady who rented the car to us is Elma Pinta.  She had asked questions in the past about what my family and I were doing on Tinian.  I explained the desire to establish a congregation of God’s people on the island.  About 3 weeks ago, I handed her a tract about the church of Christ and invited her to worship.  She said she loves to study the Bible, so I told her that I love to study the Bible with people.  She told me she would be on Saipan the next week and I invited her to our “Searchers and New Converts Class” on Thursday night.  She came, and she loved it.  She then showed up on Tinian for class and services on the Sunday that Ruel taught class.  It was a great day!  Ruel, a Christian for about a month, was teaching his first ever Bible class with Elma, a searcher, coming to her first ever Sunday morning Bible class of the Lord’s church!  Please pray for Elma as she searches for the Truth, and for Ruel as he continues to grow and learn. 

On another trip to Tinian, Jacob went with me.  Minda was on island, and she taught the children’s class.  To our knowledge this was the first children’s Bible class on the island of Tinian.  Present were Irene, Ryan Jr., and Olivia Evangelista, the daughter-in-law and grandchildren of the owner of our building.  Please pray for them also, that they might want to learn more about God and His church.

We have a new brother in Christ!  Rene Maligsa (pictured on front), has been visiting the services on Saipan for a while.  Boyet and I started studying with him the first week he visited.  He expressed a desire to know more about Jesus and what to do to please God.  After a few studies, Rene asked to be baptized.  We had a study on Wednesday, October 8th, and studied the purpose of baptism, who should be baptized, and why.  Then we studied about counting the cost of discipleship, that he would have to change many things in his life.  We had previously studied about the Lord’s one church, and we went over that again.  At the end, Rene said, “I must be baptized!”  At 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, less than 30 minutes after Rene made his decision, he was baptized into Christ!

All four of the men who have been baptized on Saipan this Summer and Fall, had no previous relationship to the Lord’s church.  All were invited by friends or co-workers.  Brethren, friendship evangelism works!
Text Box: Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
           1 Timothy 2: 1-2

  Text Box:  
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
1 Timothy 6:6-8

Text Box:  
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
1 Timothy 6:6-8

Hello friends, 

Text Box:  
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
1 Timothy 6:6-8

One joy of being here is that there is always lush vegetation.  When you step outside and feel the sauna you know why, but the view is a joy.  Often the children will bring me a beautiful flower from the yard.  I wished they could send their grandmothers such a flower, so we took this picture for their grandmothers.  Maybe you will enjoy it as well.

We miss our good friends and our families, but we do enjoy the beauty that surrounds us every day.  Our yard is full of flowering plants, palms, and bamboo.  I have learned to love the sound of the wind rustling the bamboo .  Of the hundreds of birds that claim these bamboos as home, some have the most beautiful songs; although at times the mosquitoes squelch any desire to stay outside listening.  This is one pleasure I enjoy as I hang our clothes on the line.

I’ve had several kind offers from some of you to send items to us that we cannot get here on island.  We can get about what we want if we are willing to pay the price.  There are things we were used to buying that we no longer keep on hand, but we have all we need. 

The Lord has blessed us richly that we have good food to eat every day, and all our needs are supplied richly.  We are learning that much of what we expect in America is not really necessary.  Thank you Lord for opportunities to learn what’s important.





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Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost