Taking the Gospel to the
Northern Marianas Islands


Overseen by the elders of the Water Mill Church of Christ, Springfield, Missouri

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Water Mill
Church of Christ
3020 North Barnes
Springfield, MO  65803
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Goal of the Work
· Evangelizing Tinian and Rota, and continue evangelizing Saipan
· Edifying the saints and future converts
· Equipping the saints to teach, lead, and evangelize

· Encouraging the saints to be self-governing and supporting

"Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
John 4:35

True Thanksgiving

 November has been an outstanding month in the CNMI!  We have several very good studies going on both on Saipan and Tinian.  I have traveled four times to Tinian this month to study with Athur and Gena.  Please pray for them that they might follow through on the zeal they have shown for the Lord. 

We have been having a great study on Navy Hill with several of Dante and Lito’s co-workers.  We now have:  Watta, Emma, Laurie, Rose, Jose, and Ishmael all coming to study because of the evangelistic efforts of these two young Christians.  Please pray for these hearts as well. 

On November 9th, we had several visitors, one of them, Teresita Villaroma.  During the service, Teresita’s heart convicted her of her unfaithfulness.  She had been baptized many years ago by Brother Steve Vice when he was the missionary to Saipan, and she expressed the desire to be restored.

Our hearts were filled with gratitude to God when, Crispina Norita, was baptized into Christ on November 12th.  Our new sister is very sick and has been on dialysis for over two years, she currently has treatments three times per week if her strength allows.  Boyet and I have been studying with Crispina since late summer when her health would allow.  After being baptized on a Wednesday, Crispina asked every morning if today is the day I “get” to go to worship. Crispina’s obedience to the gospel has influenced some of her family already. 

On November26th, Pat Permi was also baptized into Christ.  Boyet and I have been studying with him since the summer.  At times his work schedule would interfere with our studies, but he was always eager to restart when he could.  We believe that Pat can be a great asset to the Saipan church of Christ.   The first Sunday after being baptized, Pat volunteered to help in any way he could, and  he served on the Lord’s Table.

November 28th brought a day Maria and I have been looking forward to for almost 14 years.  Jacob wanted to study some more about accountability and baptism.  After counting the cost, Jacob too decided to be baptized.  I know now the “no greater joy” John was talking about in 3 John 4.  The Sunday morning   following his baptism Jacob read the scriptures before the lesson.  That evening he lead two songs during the song service.  We want you to pray for Jacob as he begins his walk with the Lord.  We could not be more proud of our young man!

Annabelle Hugo has been attending the Saipan church of Christ for over two years now.  Her Aunt Gloria was a member here but has since moved back to the Philippines.  Annabelle has continued to show interest even after her family member moved away, and finally on November 30th after much careful thought she decided to put on Christ in baptism.  She will be a welcome addition to our church family as well.

One sheep returning to the fold and four new members added by the Lord to the church has made this truly a month to remember, and to be thankful for. 

Adding to what we have for which to be thankful, one dear family we know in Springfield, MO, sent us the fixin’s for a Thanksgiving dinner.  We enjoyed every bite and were thankful to have such thoughtful friends who wanted us to have a taste of home even while being so far away.  Please pray for us and the growing family here in Saipan.
Text Box: Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
           1 Timothy 2: 1-2

  Text Box:  
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
1 Timothy 6:6-8

Text Box:  
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
1 Timothy 6:6-8

Hello friends,

Another good month has passes; life is truly a vapor.  We have had so much for which to be thankful.  Our thanksgiving dinner was very tasty and we enjoyed it.  We remember all our friends and family in the states and are grateful to our Maker for such a blessing.

As Pat said, we have had a fruitful month.  We are thankful for and proud of Jacob for his decision.  He told his dad before being baptized that he was excited by the knowledge that there will be much work for him in God’s kingdom.

Last month I said the children get excited about things they learn in school.  This picture of Sarah doing a science experiment shows one of those things that excites them.

December 13, we will be having a Ladies’ Day in which we will look at Woman, made in God’s image, as a wife, as a mother, and as an individual.  Please pray that our ladies will bring friends and family who do not know God.

We have some long-term visitors who said they are planning to attend.  Please pray that the Word will prick the hearts of the women in attendance, and that God’s design for woman will become their desire for themselves.  Please pray that the words I speak will not hinder the beauty of God’s message.

We covet your prayers, need your love, and are thankful for all that we receive.





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Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost