Taking the Gospel to the
Northern Marianas Islands


Overseen by the elders of the Water Mill Church of Christ, Springfield, Missouri

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Water Mill
Church of Christ
3020 North Barnes
Springfield, MO  65803
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Goal of the Work
· Evangelizing Tinian and Rota, and continue evangelizing Saipan
· Edifying the saints and future converts
· Equipping the saints to teach, lead, and evangelize

· Encouraging the saints to be self-governing and supporting

"Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
John 4:35

God’s Word is Life Changing!

February was a very busy month on the island of Saipan.  We have many studies going on every week with individuals as well as group studies.  One couple we have been studying with is Linda Omengkar and George Satosi.  Linda is the daughter of one of our sisters in Christ, Hermie Omengkar.  Boyet and I have been studying with Linda since December.  Our son Jacob has been involved in some of the studies with Linda as well.  In  January, we met George when he visited the services with Linda.  We then began studying with George as well. 

In the course of our studies, we learned that they were unmarried and living together.  We had a lengthy study about how God feels about people living together without  being married.  They decided they must separate until they could be married.

They went to work immediately to find a place for George to live until they could be married.  The picture you see is an abandoned house that George’s uncle owns.  George spent several days making this house livable.

Then, when we went to  study with them on Friday the 27th of February, the first words out of Linda’s mouth were, “I am ready to be baptized!”  George followed up with, “I am ready too.” We went immediately to the ocean and they were both baptized into Christ and had their sins washed away (Acts 22:16)!

George is now living in the house until such time that they have their paperwork together and they make arrangements to be married.  Truly, the Word of God has the power to  change peoples lives!

Please pray with us that these two “babes” in Christ will continue to grow and become active, faithful members of the Saipan church of Christ.  We will start our New Convert series of lessons with them this week.

We had the opportunity to go to Tinian twice this month.  When we get approval for bulk mailing, we will be able to send House to House/Heart to Heart to every P.O. Box on the island of Tinian.  We will also be exploring the possibility of sending them to every box on the island of Rota.

February was also a month for making preparations for Sarah’s scoliosis surgery.  When we first went to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital we were amazed at how difficult the lives are of some kids who have very serious conditions and diseases.  We thought then that we were blessed that Sarah’s condition was treatable.  Now, as we are facing surgery, we have been provided with another reminder that we are blessed for Sarah to get good treatment for her condition.

One of our friends at church is Linda Aldan.  Her daughter Kayleen had surgery in Honolulu last summer for a bone problem.  Last week, Maria took Linda and Kayleen to the hospital because Kayleen felt numbness on the right side of her body.  A CAT Scan revealed a brain tumor.  Maria and Tammy Treat are trying to help Linda make the necessary arrangements to travel for Kayleen to have brain surgery.  On top of all this, Linda has a three year old, a 13 month old and a two week old.  Please pray that the details will be worked out, that Kayleen will have a successful surgery, the tumor will be benign, and that the Lord’s will be done.  Please remember Sarah as she faces her surgery as well.      




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February 2009 News

Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost