Taking the Gospel to the
Northern Marianas Islands


Overseen by the elders of the Water Mill Church of Christ, Springfield, Missouri

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Water Mill
Church of Christ
3020 North Barnes
Springfield, MO  65803
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Goal of the Work
· Evangelizing Tinian and Rota, and continue evangelizing Saipan
· Edifying the saints and future converts
· Equipping the saints to teach, lead, and evangelize

· Encouraging the saints to be self-governing and supporting

"Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
John 4:35

Two New Sisters!

What a wonderful month this has been in Saipan.  We have a dear sister in Christ, Sitai, who invited her granddaughters to services.  After visiting our services Boyet and I went to ask if they would like to study, they said yes. After our initial study, Sophie came to every service while we were studying.  For a health reason, Frana was not able to attend as much.

After the first study they were very excited and wanted to know when Boyet and I would be back.  We set a time each week to come to their house.  Each week, without fail, they were prepared and ready to study. 

At the end of our third study, I told them that after the next study they would have enough information to make a decision about becoming children of God.  They were very excited and anxious for the next time we studied.  Before we were even through with that study, Sophie said, “I need to be baptized” and Frana agreed that she too needed to be baptized.  So, Boyet and I took these two sisters in the flesh, and they became our sisters in the spirit that very morning.  We ask that you pray for them as they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

We were very excited to be able to send out our first ever mailing of the House to House/Heart to Heart Newsletter.  We have had some very positive remarks from  people on Tinian as well as the local members here on Saipan.  We sent the mailing to every PO Box on the island of Tinian and still have 220 to use for evangelism here on Saipan.  Our members enjoy reading it and giving it to their neighbors and friends.  It truly is a great evangelistic tool.  We look forward to having many people inquire about the church because of these mailings.

If you are not aware, there is a little girl in our congregation, Kayleen, who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  She has still not been accepted anywhere for treatment.  We did receive an email today that said that a hospital in the Philippines might accept her under certain conditions.  In addition, Kayleen’s little sister on the island of Chuuk, Mercy, passed away this month from complications from an infection on the back of her head.  Please remember Kayleen and her family in your prayers.

Another of our sisters in Christ, Margarita, asked us to go study with a friend of hers named Fukie.  When we first met Fukie, she had just been released from the hospital.  She is blind, paralyzed from a stroke, has terrible sores on her body from diabetes and since then has been re-admitted to the hospital with pneumonia.  We studied with her daughter Katherine because while we were there, Fukie was not responsive.  Katherine told us that she goes in and out of consciousness.  After studying with Katherine, we told her to contact us if her mother could respond to questions.  After we left, we decided that there was no way we could transport Fukie to the ocean if she wanted to be baptized .  So,  Jacob and I built a portable baptistery just in case she woke up and could study and wanted to be baptized.  We are still waiting for her to wake up, and hopefully, she will so that she can hear God’ saving message.  Please pray for Fukie and for her daughter Katherine. 

Lord willing, we will be in Hawaii for Sarah’s surgery when you read this.  We thank you for the countless prayers that have already gone up to the Father, and we covet them even more as the day, April 14th, approaches.




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Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost